See Also : Awesome Price Netbook Store
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Fiber Optical Cable+ Splice Works
Friday, July 30, 2010
Biography of a CEO - Ben Verwaayen
The Context of the biography is located in the French company Alcatel that has recently merged with the American Lucent. The merger started in December 2006 with many difficulties: losses, a shrinking market share, aggressive competition from China, and a stock plumbing more than 60% of its value (which is - taking into account the financial disasters - not that unique).
In an interview Verwaayen is asked about this situation; mainly about the cultural-"divide" between the French and the US. Verwaayen explains politically correct that "this is an normal international (global) company that is more than French-American, but has locations in 130 countries."
When the chairman Serge Tchuruk and CEO Patricia Russo stepped down in july of 2008, people thought that Quigley from an Australia office would become the next CEO, but surprisingly it didn't happen.
What has Verwaayen got, that Alcatel was looking for?
Verwaayen is first of all not a stranger in telecom: he has experience in companies like KPN, ITT (the predecessor of Alcatel), lucent and BT. "He lives in Paris." Philip Camus (of French Origin) was chosen to be the next president and chairman of the board of which Verwaayen will be a member. Camus lives in the US.
In an interview with Andrew Cave the former BT boss Ben Verwaayen tells why he rejected politics to take on the task of reviving Alcatel-Lucent. He had left British Telecom just a month earlier, and people thought he would go into politics:
"Yes, I am very interested in politics and the relationship between public policy and private companies. But what gives people the feeling that I have left business for the field of politics?... I am not a politician. I think I have proven that.
Ben Verwaayen is 56 when he starts at Alcatel and he belongs to the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy in his native Netherlands ... "and (he) is one of very few CEO's to have written a political manifesto." (1)
In addition, his first promotion, at US conglomerate ITT, came after he headed to Brussels in 1975 to protest about the company's alleged role in the overthrow of Salvador Allende's government in Chile ITT responded by making him its Netherlands public relations chief.
Now he ... "still likes to pronounce his views ... he likes "constructive conflict" and vigorous debate more than didactic policy pronouncements."
He also values passion, an anecdote shows how he once stopped a meeting and announced: "Can we please celebrate this moment? This is passion. This is fantastic."
His cultural experience is what Alcatel may have been looking for: ... "Alcatel-Lucent ... forged in a so-far-unsuccessful transatlantic merger ... is riven by partisanship and internal strife."
Lucent's origin is a spin-off from AT&T and "Alcatel was laying fibre-optic cable for fun in France." There are similarities as well as huge differences he admits; in both cases we had to deal with: "reality and perception. Both are extremely important." (1) He stresses the crucial importance of the organization to "understand the strategy and how to achieve it." People are keen to know what to do.
Had the individual companies lost purpose? Or, as Verwaayen showed that: the internal view of the company is completely at odds with the external view, which is one of "a company under siege".
Verwaayen's task is to deal with change; the Alcatel equipment is facing a threat from the telecom market that is more and more internet-based, a change similar in the market for cameras where "mobile phones are now taking more photographs than cameras." (1).
Yet, he thinks that ... "the challenge for Alcatel-Lucent is a bigger one .. (because) the company is still riven with internal strife... -- the talk of 'what's your background' and what's your blood group' has to end," referring to the tendency among employees to identify with the company they came from." (1) This is hard to imagine in a situation where only 25 percent of the group employees work in the US and 17 percent in France, which adds up to a minority of only 42 percent.
Now why is this biography a good match for Alcatel?
He worked both for Lucent as well as for Alcatel (when it was still part of the ITT conglomerate). That, together with his interest in politics he fits quite well in this dire environment.
(he) was born the fifth of six children to parents who ran a family chemicals firm in a small Dutch village and says he discovered early in his life that he wanted to be a "change agent".
He organized the first student parliament at school and during his national service he set up a union to lobby for better conditions. "Initially, after graduating with a law and international relations degree from Utrecht University, he wanted to be a journalist or politician and took his first job at the ITT subsidiary because it gave him time to sit on a state committee to reform the army." (1)
His management style is: "unreasonable with targets but passionate about people," (1) He had a blog to communicate with the BT group's 95,000 workers.
Recommend : Cord Umbilical Fiber Optic Cables Video Cards Store. LOWER Prices
Thursday, July 29, 2010
How to Become a Certified Fiber Optic Technician
This article discusses how one can become an industry recognized, certified fiber optic technician. Since 1999, BDI DataLynk has had the opportunity to train many individuals from all over the United States, Cayman Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands, Africa, Russia, Germany, and the UK, as well as individuals living on Islands in the Dutch Antilles. Some students are attending our courses to either change their current occupation or add to their growing list of personal, industry-excepted, certifications. Many of our students have absolutely no experience in any telecommunications related field. Some are cooks, fireman, policemen, pilots, military, and ex-military, while others do not speak the English language. Our talented and experienced instructors are providing training that is easy to understand, low cost, and, most importantly, they are providing training that is sanctioned by an industry recognized fiber optic training authority - the Fiber Optic Association (FOA).
The first item of concern when attempting to obtain any technical certification is to write down a business plan for yourself that includes long and short term goals. It matters not if you intend to become an employee or an independent. In either case you are in business for yourself. Your ideals, goals, financial and physical capabilities are yours and yours alone and only you can decide how to best use them. Be advised, there is someone out there always trying to get your job, so you must place yourself one step ahead of them and continue to educated yourself. Never ever stop learning. Even after a taking a BDI DataLynk class - after taking any course actually, one should never take the position that they have all of the education they need to succeed in that particular industry. The minute you do this someone will pass you by taking your job with them. Learning is a continuous process. Develop good study habits and keep them honed.
Never assume you can learn a new trade or enhance an old one by viewing tons of video tapes. Let me tell you right now installing, testing and learning to properly maintain a copper or fiber optics network is 99.9% hands on. One CANNOT learn to install a fiber optics connector or RJ-45 UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) connector by watching a video. You must have the tools and parts in hand to be familiar with how they feel, function, and assemble. So it is very important that you DO NOT spend tons of money on expensive "how to" videos. Take this money and attend a fiber optics class that puts the tools and procedures in your mind by doing - not by watching. More importantly, you must have an experienced instructor guiding you in person, correcting you in person, and certifying you in person. There is no other way for a truly certifying entity that is internationally recognized to insure you are, in fact, a truly certifiable fiber optics technician after the class.
You should avoid attending large classes where there is an instructor lecturing and half a dozen "training technicians" teaching. In many cases the instructor and the training technician have had little or no practical hands on, in the field, experience. Avoid classes that move you from table to table attempting to teach every connector and termination procedure in the world, as well as every piece of equipment from every manufacture under the sun. You will not remember most of them and instead of learning you will be swimming in your own confusion as well as everyone else's. Also - one CANNOT learn enough about the basic theory of fiber optics network installation in a one or two day class. Most of the training companies offering these one and two day classes are providing "certifications" that are worth "zero" in the marketplace. Also, you should obtain an industry-recognized certification that is sanctioned by fiber optics people (FOA) not a certification that is sanctioned by electronics people (ETA). Makes lots of sense doesn't it?
Forget about on the job training (OJT). Many of the so-called "trained and experienced" technicians that have been doing it for years could be teaching you old and outdated techniques. Many of these "experienced" technicians may be teaching you opinions they have developed over the years (right or wrong) and not procedures. Besides, in order to obtain a certification that is actually industry recognized, you must pass a written and practical exam. Do you think the "training" from the old salt is going to prepare you to pass these exams? Not a chance! We continue to get some of these "experienced" old salts in our classes. It is not a pretty picture. Learn to do the right things right the first time.
Once you have decided to properly educate yourself in fiber optics networking technology thoroughly investigate your training company. Here are some questions to consider:
- Do they offer a curriculum that is written, maintained and sanctioned by college professors or by experienced fiber optics technicians with years of experience?
- Do they provide a certification that is sanctioned by electronics (ETA) people or by fiber optics (FOA) people?
- Do they intend to support you in the field by email or phone, or do they disappear after they take your money?
- Can they provide you with a list of satisfied students and customers that you can contact for reference?
- Do they attempt to sell you tools, equipment and "training" videos that you do not need?
- Is their program over priced?
- Will you be able to contact the sanctioning entity (FOA or ETA) and talk with someone that is industry savvy about the certification?
- Can you contact your instructor and ask questions about the class or, better yet, can you contact your instructor after class when you get to the field and ask questions about specific problems?
Once you've decided on the fiber optics training company of your choice, what are you going to do about marketing your new certification once it's obtained? You have something very important to share now, how do you intend to get the word out? You should find out which companies in your area are installing fiber. Keep in mind that many of their technicians have no formal fiber optics training. By statistics, based on the attendees of our courses, this is a proven fact. There are, in fact, companies out in the industry right now that have fiber optics technicians that have had little or no formal fiber optics network training. I received a call from one of these companies just this past week. The individual called me and introduced himself and his company. During this introduction he mentioned that his company was a Fiber Optics Contractor. The individual on the phone told me that his company had just completed the installation of a fiber optics network for a large Texas Municipality. The Municipality had also purchased a Power Source and Light Meter so they could test their own network which, I might add, was a good idea. The caller said that he had failed to read the small print of his contact he had received from the municipality and found that, as part of this contract, his company also had to provide training on how to use this equipment. He asked if BDI DataLynk could provide this training for four or five of the city network technicians. I was surprised by this request as the gentleman mentioned in his initial introduction that his company was a "Fiber Optics Networking Contractor" which would create the assumption that his company had qualified fiber optics technicians on staff. The use of a fiber optics power source and light meter (OLTS) should be no problem for a technician that is truly a certified fiber optics technician. Showing a group of individuals how to set up and test a segment of fiber should be an easy task for a trained fiber optics technician - especially a BDI DataLynk trained fiber optic technician. I explained in detail to this gentleman that any of his truly qualified fiber optics techs should be able to instruct these IT personnel on how to turn on the equipment and perform a simple fiber optics segment test. His comment to me was, "well our guys just know how to pull cable". I responded by saying, "you mean to tell me that you install fiber and do not properly test it?" There was a moment of silence. Finally the guy said, "... look the City wants a complete training curriculum created to completely train their personnel on how to use the equipment". My response was, "... and you actually missed that clause when you read the contract?" I further advised him that one of his trained technicians could spend about an hour demonstrating how to use the equipment, analyze the results, and thus satisfy his contract that he apparently failed to read in full. As a matter of fact, the equipment actually comes with a very detailed CD that provides information on how to use and set up the equipment. His "trained" fiber optics technician could have made copies of the information and given them out during the short training/hands-on session. Based on the caller's responses to me, I was convinced that this was yet another Fiber Optics Contractor that was in dire need of training themselves. My final response to him was, "Unfortunately, I really do not have the time to drive to Dallas for a 4-hour session on how to use a basic power source and light meter". I further suggested that we had on-going scheduled training sessions in almost every state in the south, as well as, numerous sessions scheduled for his immediate area. He promptly hung up on me. You can see right away that the individual became very defensive when I indirectly questioned his technician's ability to perform the most basic task in fiber optics networking and that is the proper use of a power source and light meter.
So you see there are companies out there right now that are installing fiber that desperately need qualified fiber optics technicians. Here's what you do. Go to the Yahoo Yellow pages and follow these easy steps:
- On the right hand, top area of the page, change the location to where ever you want to work.
- On the sub menu that appears click on "Computers and Internet"
- Another sub menu will appear. You should click on "Communications and Networking".
- You will then see a list of every Computer Networking Company in and around your area.
- Pick the first 25 and send a brief cover letter along with your resume and copies of your certificates to these companies.
- But! Be sure you investigate these companies via the internet to find out who the honcho is so you can personalize your letter by sending it directly to him or her.
- Look at the company website and learn all you can about the company because you might get the opportunity to interview and the first impression (first call from them) is usually the most important. It pleases them when someone is familiar with their company.
You are probably wondering how you should set up your cover letter. Here are some simple guidelines that will get your mind moving. Be sure to create a cover letter that is only about a paragraph in length. Never ramble on about yourself with two or three pages. Your job prospect will think you love yourself too much and they really don't have the time to read it anyway if they are busy and busy companies are where you want to send your information. If you do not have professional letterhead, make yourself look like a professional by printing in large letters at the top of the page (and centered of course) the following: From the Desk of and Your Name. Directly under that put add your address, phone number and email address. You must get with the program and get you an email address. Some students come to our classes without an email address. Come on - everybody should have an email address so get one. Believe it or not, we once had a gentleman come to our class with no personal phone number.
In the body (information area) of your cover letter you should have something that is written like this: Hello Mr. or Ms. (Whomever), I would like to introduce myself to your company. I have just been certified as a fiber optics technician from an industry recognized fiber optics training organization, BDI DataLynk, LLC. These programs are accredited by BICSI and sanctioned by the Fiber Optic Association (FOA). The subject matter included fiber optics theory, installation and testing of fiber optic networks (both single and multimode) per industry standards and also provided for comprehensive written and practical exams designed to test my knowledge as well as my hands on capabilities. I would like to meet with you at your convenience to discuss how my training could be an asset to your company. I am free Tuesday or Friday of next week if that meets your schedule. Thank you very much and I look forward to speaking with you. Sincerely, your name.
What about a web page? This is an excellent method for letting the free world know who you are and what you do. Download Yahoo Sitebuilder from Yahoo. This is by far the easiest web page builder in the world. Take a look at our BDI DataLynk site and our Fiber Optics Tools.Com site and you will see what I mean. I had no training at all when I started building those sites and now they are very popular in the fiber optics industry. We currently receive over 5, 000 visitors per month on each of our sites. You do not need that many hits on your 3 to 5 page site to be successful, however. Create your own web page. The cost for almost unlimited space (which you will never need) is only about $12.00 per month which is a tax deductable business expense. Download the free software (free is good) and get busy. There are tons of pre-made index pages and if you can copy and paste and have basic typing techniques, you can build you a page that represents you AND what you do.
So there it is - most of what you need to get started in the fiber optics industry or any industry for that matter. All you need now is to make the right decision on your fiber optics education.
Doing the right things right the first time will make all the difference in the world.
Prepare to Learn!
Thanks To : Spine Disc
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Getting Network Cabling
If you are building or refurbishing a building for a business then you will need network cabling. There are many things to consider as you are setting up your building for your business. In today's market, all businesses need to be networked in order to be competitive. You will want to consider networking for both hardwired network needs, but also you need to consider cabling for wireless connections.
One of the things you need to consider when looking into network cabling is how large your building is. You will need to get an approximate size of your building to the company you plan to work with for your cabling needs. Any specific information you can provide to the company you are going to work with will help them to give you an estimate on the cost of the job.
You will also need to think about how many employees you have now or customers you work with on a daily basis that could put strain on your network. However, considering what you have now and will have in the future are two different things. Go back to your plan and think about what you want for your business in the future. You will need to account for future growth to make sure that you properly network now. You'll need to be able to grow into your cabling and not overload it. It is easier to put in more than you need now rather than to add to your network later.
You will also want to think about how you may reconfigure the location of desks, computers and phones so that you are sure to have the cables where you need them when you need them. If you add employees or customers you may need to change the location of your networked devices. This means that you'll need the proper outlets in multiple locations to account for any of the possible moves in the future.
The last thing you need to think about is how you will get access your network for any additions that become necessary because you couldn't plan for them or for possible repair needs that may develop. Things do happen that you can't plan for, so you need to plan for those events. You don't want to add in walls or other barriers that can make it difficult to access key areas of your network.
If you work with a qualified cabling company they can help you plan your space for now and for the future. Make sure you ask questions and listen to their advice. A good cabling company has a wealth of experience that they can draw on that will improve the effectiveness of your network.
Thanks To : JVC Television
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
What in the World is FiOS?
By now you've probably seen a lot of buzz surrounding Verizon's new product line known as FiOS, and you may be wondering what it is, if you can get it, or just what all of the fuss is about. FiOS is more than another cute name or marketing gimmick. It's not a new technology either, but we are starting to see its uses in more applications of every day life than ever before.
Fiber Optic Service.
TV, and Internet are a couple examples of the more common product offerings available through FiOS. Verizon's FiOS is an acronym for fiber optic service, but they are not the only company to provide television and Internet over fiber. AT&T also offers both products via their U-verse brand, and Qwest provides fiber optic Internet service as well. FiOS is simply a branded term to describe Verizon's new line of communications products that are delivered over a network of optical fiber lines.
Benefits of fiber optic service
To really grasp the benefit to fiber optic service you need to know how optical fiber works. An optical fiber is made of plastic, or sometimes glass, and is able to transmit light vertically through a strand. This makes it possible to transmit data via light which can travel greater distances, and at a faster rate with less loss of quality than traditional methods.
Fiber Internet Service
Since data is transferred via light, fiber optic Internet service is much faster than traditional DSL, or cable broadband Internet service. To give you an example of how much faster, average traditional broadband speeds top out at near, or around 15 Mbps download speeds, or downstream. Verizon actually offers a residential grade of FiOS Internet capable of download speeds up to a mind blowing 50 Mbps. One of Verizon's most popular FiOS Internet packages is 20/20, or 20 Mbps uploads (upstream) and 20 Mbps downloads (downstream). Now that's fast!
Just as with fiber Internet, there are key benefits to getting one's television signal over fiber optics. Less loss of quality. In an age where high definition is becoming the standard for TV, you can only get as good a picture as your TV provider can deliver, regardless of how expensive, or advanced your television set is. Since there is much less loss of your television signal over a fiber optic network you'll get superior picture and sound compared to any other television service technology.
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Monday, July 26, 2010
What Are Telephone Metro Networks?
Metro networks link local switching central offices in a large metropolitan area. In these days, two types of metro networks exist: ones that have grown from traditional telephone networks and ones that have been built by nontraditional telecoms companies for different plans.
Central offices, also called switching offices, have telephone lines branch out to individual customers. And a metro network largely links all central offices in a metropolitan area such as San Francisco or New York. The part of the network from the central office to the customer is the "access network", while that from the central office inward is the "metro network".
A large metro network can have two layers of network loops deployed. The inside layer, called "metro access loops", connect groups of central offices, and these inside loops,in turn, link to a "metro core" network loop which links the whole metropolitan area together. Simply put, it looks like a big circle with more small circles inside it.
:: How do customers lease capacity in metro networks?
The holders of these metro networks often lease bulk capacity to other companies. Examples include: telephone companies making connections among their central offices, cellular companies, big businesses leasing their private lines, or even competitive phone companies that don't have their own networks.
Let's see an example here. A cable company may lease capacity between a local television station and the cable company's headquarter. So the local television station can send its signal directly to the cable company and thus give them a very clean signal for distribution through its cable network.
Another example could be the same cable company leasing capacity between an antenna farm in the suburb to its headquarter. So the satellite signals collected by the antenna farm can be sent directly to the cable company which guarantees the signals' quality and speed of delivery.
:: What capacities can you lease from a metro network?
Most new metro network carries offer very high speed services for leasing. The capacity can range from 155Mbit/s up to 10 Gbit/s. Or you can even lease a whole channel in the optical fiber link and run whatever transmission rate you choose.
:: How do you access a metro network
Two types of metro network access exist: a hub or an add-drop multiplexer.
A hub is a point where all signals in the system get switched and organized. Hubs include local central offices.
An add-drop multiplexer is a point where some signals get picked up and others dropped off. An add-drop multiplexer diverts only part of the signals to the node.
:: Metro network transmission distances
Metro network transmission distance can range from a few kilometers up to 200 kilometers but most are in the shorter range. Most spans are actually under 100 kilometers and thus do not require optical amplifiers in most cases unless the coupling loss are too high.
No optical amplifiers required allows light wavelength operation outside of the readily available optical amplifier band. Such that light wavelengths can be spread out across a broader range of less-expensive optics and transmitters.
Thanks To : Switch Hub Store. LOWER Prices in The Same Item, Sony VAIO VGN-FW465J Store
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Recommend : Adobe Softwares Store LOWER Prices in Same Item
Friday, July 23, 2010
NOTES - New Instrumental Laparoscopic Surgery -
Tags : Barcode Store. LOWER Prices in The Same Item Nitrus Oxide
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Telecommunciations Technician/Technologies
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Fiber Optic Drop Cable Slitter - FOD-2000
Thanks To : Ink Cartridges For Printers
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
High-Speed Broadband Could Mean a Much Bigger Bill
I'm sure most of us are aware of the advances that have been made when it comes to the cables used to supply our homes with high speed broadband internet, but for those who are not:
Since the internet was first offered to households it has been supplied through copper wires, which often vary in how fast your internet is depending on where you live. The latest idea involved newly designed cables that transfer the data via fibre optics instead which results in a much better maintained speed, which is also much quicker than the copper cables.
However recent news reports have said that to supply these new and improved fibre optic cables to each home within the United Kingdom would almost total up to a massive 29 billion pounds! This is of course far too expensive to take to task due to the governments funds already being stretched to cover more pressing issues like the National Health Service.
Thankfully another option has been suggested, which would mean supplying the new cables to outlets at street level, from which the original cables would then bring it to the individual homes near by. This would of course not allow the optimum speed that the entire cables being replaced, but it would still make a noticeable improvement compared to speeds now.
When it comes to the argument for supplying the new cable to all homes, critics are concerned that those with homes that are either isolated from other homes such as farms, or smaller villages which are quite out of the way from a city may have to pay more for their broadband than those in the city, because it'll cost so much more to supply the cable to their grid.
The government are keen to have the United Kingdom as up to date when it comes to modern technology being available to the masses, but with the hefty bill attached to the decision, the decision is still to be made.
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Monday, July 19, 2010
Can You Really Check How Viable Your Internet Business Idea Is?
With the effects of the recession still looming large over most countries, every second person is looking for an alternate source of income and there are several self employment opportunities on the internet. One of the primary advantages of starting an online venture is the limited risk in this type of business because the investment and the cost of operations is really low in such business; yet the profits can be surprisingly high. However, you need to be careful with an internet venture just like you would be with a brick and mortar business; you will have to thoroughly research the market place, the requirement for the product and service that you are offering and the competition before you start.
Also, do not jump in with starry eyed dreams of rolling in money next week; al those internet claims that talk about millionaires who took less than ten days to make their fortune are bogus. The reality is that like all other businesses you will need to invest a considerable amount of time and effort into an online venture. So, lets take a look at how you can determine if your business idea will sink or swim.
Research: Like all other innovative business ideas, you will need comprehensive research for an internet business as well, start by looking at some keywords that describe your business; the should be phrases that people might use to find your business; then use a keyword finder and look at the number of searches that these keywords have received These tools will also offer suggestions on related keywords that can be used. Once you have drawn up a list of keywords; find more by looking at what the various search engines are offering. If you have any other businesses or sites in the niche find out how popular they are by analyzing their Google Page rank and o he Alexa ranking. Use the keywords in major search engines to find out how much information is available about the topic on major search ezines. You will also be able to find out about your competition in e process and the strategies they are using to improve their search engine position. It is recommended that you use a powerful book marking program to help you to keep track of your search.
Learn more about the competition: Once you know that there are others online who are making money from similar or related business ideas, find out what they are doing in terms of their SEO strategies; how they are making money; for instance, are they selling products or services, do they offer subscription to their sites, product info or advertising. If there isn't a lot of competition; this means that either you are ahead of the curve when anticipating the profit potential of the idea or there is not enough demand in the market for the product or services.
Find out the USP of your business idea; There are hundreds of websites dedicated to same niche or operating similar businesses; this would mean that the competition is stiff so you should b able to explain how your business venture is different from others what is it offering extra to the visitors, why should they buy from you instead of the others.
Research the marketplace: This is the analysis of the industry in general that you intend to operate in; set up Google Alerts for keywords related to your industry and track their performance on Google; this way you will be able to find out when one of the keywords is used on a blog, website or newsgroup. Doing so, will give you an opportunity to blog about your area of expertise in the niche and establish your online presence.
Build a list: Do not underestimate the importance of setting up a blog or your website; once this is done, you will need to build your list. One of the easiest ways to get people to offer personal information such as their email ids is to give them something free in return which is of value. One of the most common products used here is an ebook relevant to the niche.
See Also : Herniated Disc Neck The Shopaholic Shop
Sunday, July 18, 2010
What is a Load Cell?
By definition a load cell is an electronic device (a transducer) that is used to convert a force into an electrical signal. What does this mean? A load cell is a transducer which converts force into a measurable electrical output.
How does this work? The conversion of the force into an electrical current is indirect and happens in two phases. A load cell can consist of one, two or four strain gauges depending on the type of cell, and it is the strain gauge that converts the force into the electrical current. Now not all cells use strain gauges, there are many different types such as hydraulic, pneumatic, fibre optic, button and washer load cells to name a few.
What can you do with the electrical output? Well before the electrical current can be used the electrical signal output usually requires amplification by an instrumentation amplifier and then it can be used. Load cells are primarily used as a weighing apparatus. The strain gage-based load cell has become the method of choice for industrial weighing applications.
Which applications use load cells? To name a few they can be found in electronic crane scales, finding the center of gravity of an object by weight, force measurement, force gauge, onboard weighing, railcar weighing, structural health monitoring, and tension measurement.
Examples of Digital Load Cells and Their Applications
There is a massive variety of cells today, all of which are better used in certain applications and circumstance than others for example the new compression load cell is used for applications in tough environments. The new beam load cell is great for belt scales, platform scales, filling machines, and process equipment. The single point load cells are usually found in applications such as multihead weighers, checkweighers, filling machines, belt scales, platform scales, and bench scales. Depending on your requirements and the type of weighing you are conducting will depend on the type of cell you should use.
Tags : Interactive Droid
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Warsaw Office 400&500sqm 55pln sqm monthly
Thanks To : Linux Thread
Friday, July 16, 2010
Panduit GridRunner
Thursday, July 15, 2010
FTTH - Bangsar (Video2)
My Links : DiggReview The Site To Review Interesting Products
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Google Fiber for Communities - Evanston
Related : Spark Energy
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Interesting Facts About Peptic Ulcers
The peptic ulcer damages the lining of either the stomach or the duodenum.The symptoms of indigestion caused by peptic ulcers may harm a person by a severe pain.They can be treated with medicines, but without treatment serious complications may appear.There are two kinds of peptic ulcers: one is gastric and the other one is duodenal ulcer.The diameter of peptic ulcers is between 1-2cm,which seems with a mouth ulcers.
One to ten people at some point in their lives are affected by the duodenal ulcers, especially younger men.Stomach ulcers are more common. The peptic ulcer may be acute or chronic.One of acute ulcers may heal without any long term consequences. On the other hand chronic ulcers are deeper and they causes symptoms leaving a scar even they heal.The stomach contains acid which helps to protect the body from infection.The stomach and duodenum has its lining covered in mucus which protects it from acid.When the stomach produces excess acid an ulcer may appear.
There are some factors which leads to the apearance of the peptic ulcer like: infection with bacteria called Helicobacter Pylori; certain medicines like aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, naproxen and diclofenac;smoking and alcohol.In many cases the majority of people have abdominal pain, below the chest bone,but there are also people without symptoms.In the case of gastric ulcer a sharp pain may occur soon after eating, and the pain caused by the duodenal ulcer is relieved by eating or by drinking milk. Other unpleasant symptoms of the peptic ulcer are belching, general discomfort in the stomach,loss of appetite,nausea, vomiting, loss of weight.
Nowadays there are many tests that deals with the detection if there is any infection with H. pylori, needed in the diagnosis of the gastric or duodenal ulcers or even for stomach cancer.Through several methods we may see if a person has or has not peptic ulcer. One of these methods can be realized by breath or by blood test to observe the presence of H. pylori. Another method is the one with a given substance to swallow called barium, which appears white on X-rays.The X-rays may show the presence of an ulcer.The gastroscopy is another method which uses a tube called endoscop with a fibre-optic cable; the last one being passed through the mouth and into the stomach.
If any person accuse such kind of pains should immediately consult a doctor.
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Monday, July 12, 2010
SC Connector
SC Connectors are often utilized for latest network applications. SC is a snap in connector that used widely in single mode systems. The connector is as well accessible in a duplex configuration.
SC connector has a push and pull locking device that is very elastic yet offers low insertion loss and high repeatability. It has been rapidly substituting legacy connectors like SMA, ST, connectors and turning out to be the most popular optic fiber connectors utilized in the fiber communication industry.
Due to its push and pull snap in locking device, the connector has advantage in keyed duplexibility to assist in sending and receiving channels in a one fiber unit connection.
SC connector utilizes ceramic ferrules in order to provide high reliability and fiber alignment. The ferrule ceramic is a 2.5milimeter diameter cylindrical formation and the fiber is secured at the center of the hole. The usual insertion loss of a SC is about 0.2 dB.
When looking at the outside of the connector, it has an unusual looking square tipped connector, which is quite cone shaped at its tip. It utilizes spring withholding to seize the connector in its place if mated. The square design and the push and pull coupling system make it functional in a high density applications.
The SC can be coupled in sets of duplex with a duplex clip or coupling receptacle. In a keyed set of duplex, the connector simply applies a form of polarity compatibility with combining adapters in fiber optic patch panels or outlets.
SC connectors has been adopted by the TIA as its official suggested fiber connector in EIA 568-A/TIA or 568SC connector (standard name).
SC connectors' Duplex version is gaining much popularity in network applications and any other applications that require full duplex transmission. The SC is appropriate whether for single mode and multi-mode fibers. The connector provides excellent packing mass as well as outstanding cost and performance.
SCs are widely utilized in LAN, ATM, WAN, MAN, Gigabit Ethernet, Fibre Channel, data communication, and tele-communication networks.
They offer simplicity, durability and low cost. This connectors as well offer accurate alignment through the ceramic ferrules. Typical matched SC connectors are rated for 1000 mating cycles and have an insertion loss of 0.25 dB.
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Sunday, July 11, 2010
How to Watch P2P Live Sport on the Internet for Free?
Are you interested to learn how you can watch P2P live sport games right from the comfort of your home? There is software on the internet now that allows you to watch live sports games online for no additional costs. This satellite TV technology has existed for many years, but not many people know what it is and what its benefits are. It has allowed me to watch thousands of channels on the internet by receiving free to air TV signals.
1. How Do You Start Watching Live Sport Games Online?
You would first need to download a piece of satellite TV software from the internet. This download is going to cost you a low one-time fee, but it will allow you to watch a lifetime of satellite TV for no additional costs.
2. What Are The Advantages of Watching Live Sport on the Internet?
The whole setup for this system is very simple and does not involve any purchase of external hardware devices. All that is required from the user is a PC with high speed internet access. The software can be transferred to a thumb-drive or any another portable device and then transferred onto another computer or laptop to turn it into a super TV instantly.
Another benefit is that I no longer have to pay monthly fees for cable TV subscription. There is still a low one-time download fee to use the program, but the fee has been well worth it for me when I consider the amount of channels and high quality of pictures and sound that I am able to receive.
3. What Are The Channels You Can Watch With Satellite TV for PC?
This software not only allows me to access live sports games that include football, soccer, NBA and NFL games, I also get access to other types of TV channels. They include Movies, TV Shows, News, Educational, Geographic, Music Videos and many others. If you want to download the software that I use and start watching over 3,000 international TV programmes on your PC, check out the website link below for more information.
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Saturday, July 10, 2010
The Application of an LC Connector in Fiber Optic Cable Termination
LC connector is a mechanical device mounted on the end of a fiber optic cable, light source, receiver or housing to be mated to a similar device. LC and other Small Form Factor (SFF) fiber connectors such as MTRJ, MU is the solution for increasingly high density termination in limited spaces.
Other highly important factors for fiber optic cable termination include repeatability of connection, resistance to vibration and long term stability.
LC connector must direct light and collect light and also be easily attached and detached from fiber optic lightwave equipment. The connector means a place in the premises fiber optic network where optical signal power can be lost and the Bit Error Ratio (BER) can be affected by this mechanical connection.
There are also many other fiber connectors available for you to choose from such as FC, ST, SC, MU, E2000, etc. Which one you should use depends on the fiber optic equipment you are using it with and the application you are using it on.
LC connectors are available for both single mode and multimode fiber cables. It is constructed with a plastic housing and provide for accurate alignment via their ceramic ferrules.It is a newer style of SFF fiber connector that is overtaking MT-RJ as a fiber optic connector. LC is very popular for use with Fibre Channel adapters and Gigabit Ethernet adapters.
LC connector has a locking tab. It is designed for 500 mating cycles. The typical insertion loss is 0.2dB for LC. It has similar advantages to MTRJ and other SFF style connectors but is easier to terminate. It uses a ceramic insert as standard-sized fiber optic connectors do.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Fiberlink Fiber Optic Termination Demo
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Thursday, July 8, 2010
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Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Fibre Optic Cable - Opportunities For Online Businesses in Kenya
Online businesses are businesses that are operated via the internet. Rather than being businesses defined by the conventional four stone walls it is defined through bandwidth and SEO. This break from the conventional business definition has presented unlimited opportunities in creation of wealth and jobs. Online businesses as opposed to traditional business give equal space for any individual to succeed, as the criteria required of starting an online business are not as stringent as traditional businesses. With a tailor made website and a good idea you are in business. The start up capital is minimal in most cases and that is the beauty of online business as the rewards truly outstrip any risks you take. Online business is as diverse as the owners themselves. They include outsourcing services, retailing, information dissemination, etc.
Kenya, like most of Africa, has lagged behind in the technology revolution. We have been highly dependent on the expensive and unreliable satellite for our internet connection. This has made internet penetration in Kenya negligible. The costs of using the internet makes it prohibitive for households and business to access it. Kenya's internet cyber cafes experienced a boom at this time as Kenyans wanted to use the internet for short periods of time rather than spend a fortune on installation costs and monthly fees. Online businesses were seen as unfeasible due to the high costs.
But now, with the landing of the fibre optic cable off the coast of Mombasa, it gives opportunities to the ideas that seemed impossible. Internet costs are expected to drastically decrease thus making it more affordable to many. This provides boundless opportunities for Kenyan entrepreneurs to start online businesses that were labeled unfeasible a while ago. If you take the example of a Kenyan medical/health directory where lists of Kenyan doctors can be found, though a health/medical directory of Kenyan doctors is not groundbreaking as similar sites for other countries are already operational, it is a big opportunity for Kenyans to access Kenyan doctors or hospitals online. A list of Kenyan doctors is a good shift from the hard cover books that people have to buy to access information.
With this craving for local content in Kenya and with the overwhelming support the government is giving Kenya, it can become the next IT hub for east Africa. The internet penetration is set to increase exponentially which makes specific content that much more lucrative.
It is critical that you develop a clear understanding of your market and this can be achieved by finding a mentor who can advise you on the market as well as how to maneuver through the environment. You can also join online forums in Kenya which discuss issues dealing with internet and online businesses. If you take the above example of Kenyan doctors then you need to find a Kenyan doctor to explain to you about the environment.
With the right ingredients such as:
1. Starting a business you have expertise on
2. Patience making money from online business is not guaranteed nor is it quick.
3. Market your site both online and offline.
4. Understand your market.
Then there should be no reason why you should not succeed in developing an online business.
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Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Fiber Optic Termination- How to abolish cilia optic cable application Giganet Fibre Optic connectors
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