Tuesday, July 20, 2010

High-Speed Broadband Could Mean a Much Bigger Bill

I'm sure most of us are aware of the advances that have been made when it comes to the cables used to supply our homes with high speed broadband internet, but for those who are not:

Since the internet was first offered to households it has been supplied through copper wires, which often vary in how fast your internet is depending on where you live. The latest idea involved newly designed cables that transfer the data via fibre optics instead which results in a much better maintained speed, which is also much quicker than the copper cables.

However recent news reports have said that to supply these new and improved fibre optic cables to each home within the United Kingdom would almost total up to a massive 29 billion pounds! This is of course far too expensive to take to task due to the governments funds already being stretched to cover more pressing issues like the National Health Service.

Thankfully another option has been suggested, which would mean supplying the new cables to outlets at street level, from which the original cables would then bring it to the individual homes near by. This would of course not allow the optimum speed that the entire cables being replaced, but it would still make a noticeable improvement compared to speeds now.

When it comes to the argument for supplying the new cable to all homes, critics are concerned that those with homes that are either isolated from other homes such as farms, or smaller villages which are quite out of the way from a city may have to pay more for their broadband than those in the city, because it'll cost so much more to supply the cable to their grid.

The government are keen to have the United Kingdom as up to date when it comes to modern technology being available to the masses, but with the hefty bill attached to the decision, the decision is still to be made.

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