Sunday, November 28, 2010

What Is FTTP, FTTH, FTTB and FTTD? Fiber Optic Tutorial Series Four

FTTP stands for Fiber To The premises is a kind of optical fiber communication episode in which a fiber connection directly exported to customers' premises. P (local), commercial, institutional and other applications where connections are distributed on a campus fiber network, a forest, or building high-density with a central Network Operations Center. Some others, such as FTTx FTTN (fiber to the node), FTTC (fiber to the curb)still depend on copper wires for "last mile" (permanent link) for customers, which contrasts with FTTP. FTTP can be further divided in FTTH (Fiber to the home), FTTB (fiber to the building), etc.

FTTP network construction

FTTP network can be divided into two main parts: optical and electrical cross-sectional area.

1. Optical

optical part of the FTTP network is responsible for implementing optical signal to electricalpart (the electrical room is located in telecommunications customer). There are two configurations for the FTTP optical fiber. These are the direct connection of fiber and fiber shared.

direct fiber connection is the simplest form. A fiber is used for direct connection to the central office to a customer. This type of connection provides the customer with the highest bandwidth, but also the most expensive configuration. Shared fiber: a single fiber so that the centeroffice is shared by many customers. Only at the last moment, the fiber is split into many individual fibers to each customer.

There are two main competing technologies for the configuration of the fiber in common: active optical network (AON) and passive optical network (PON).

Active Optical Network (AON) is much more similar to traditional Ethernet networks. Must be electrically powered equipment to buffer and distribute the signal, such as switches and routers. Each starting signalThe head office will be led only to the client from the router or switch. On the other hand, the signals of customers buffered by the router at the junction to avoid conflicts.

Passive Optical Network (PON) is electrically powered to be used to buffer and route the signals. Instead of signaling the central divided and distributed to all customers, even those not listed. When the light signal arrives at the electrical andwhere it is converted into electrical signals by the ONT (see below), the ONT decision to retain or eliminate the signal depending on the destination.

2. Electrical equipment

electrical part of the FTTP network receives the optical signal and converts it into an electrical signal is then distributed traditional desktop computer through a network of copper wires LAN. This device converts the call of optical network termination (ONT). The telephone building systems, and LANcable TV system are then connected to the ONT.

Other FTTx

FTTB: Fiber To The Building. This is a reference to fiber optic data network linking all the way from an Internet service provider for the client's physical condition of a building.

FTTD: Fiber To The Desk .. FTTD shows applications that are distributed fiber connections from the central office to individual workstations or computers in a structure,house or building.

FTTH: Fiber to the Home. FTTH fiber network connections will be held at the Central Office for a residence permit, or very small multi-dwelling units.

FTTN: Fiber to the node. FTTN is also known as fiber to the neighborhood or fiber to the cabinet (FTTCab). It is based on an architecture for telecommunications fiber optic cables run to a closet where a district.

FTTC: Fiber To The Curb. This is known as Fibre to therebellion (FTTK). It is a telecommunications system based on fiber optic cables run to a platform that serves different customers. Every customer has a connection to this platform via coaxial cable or twisted pair.

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